Sunday, 2 October 2011


The way of those whom You have favoured
Those who have not incurred Your displeasure
and those who have not gone astray

----It is only natural that the more a person loves and cherishes something, the more he tries to understand it in greater detail himself and talk to others about it.

----That is why the supplication does not end with the words ‘guide us the straight way’ but further explains its nature, first positively and then in the two phrases that follow, negatively.

 The supplicant seeks the path of those who have been blessed by Allah. They are the ones who neither incurred Divine wrath, nor strayed from the straight way. This leaves no ambiguity as to what the supplicant really yearns for in this supplication.

This clarification of the nature of the path serves as an expression of displeasure and aversion on the part of the supplicant for two categories of people:

---those who have turned their backs on this goal (of following the straight path and being blessed by Allah)

---and those who were misled or have strayed from the way.

 Implied in this clarification is also a supplication on our part for patience and steadfastness on this path, lest our steps falter like those before us who were guided aright but who were deflected from it either through willful disobedience and transgression, or those who having found it, lost it in consequence of their innovations and distortions in religion.

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