Sunday 2 October 2011

Sirat Al-Mustaqim.

Guide us the straight way

---The word ihdina means not only ‘show us (the straight way)’, but also carries a much wider sense.

---Implied in this is a supplication for firmness of belief in the correctness of this way, the granting of a desire and a will to pursue it, and to make any difficulties in the course of its pursuit easy. It also implies that after having guided us to it, Allah would give us strength to persevere in it and not stray off into byways. The omission of the preposition ila (to, onto) before the noun as-sirat (the way) in the verse gives it all these diverse nuances.

----Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqim.

The definite article Al preceding Sirat Al-Mustaqim is known as lam li-l ‘ahd2 and serves to emphasize that the straight path is the one that Allah, the Most Exalted, has Himself appointed for His servants.

---It is straight and leads to sure success and prosperity both in this life and in the hereafter. All the Prophets and Messengers of Allah throughout history have called human beings to follow this path, and it has always been pursued by all truly righteous men and women. It is the shortest path, and the easiest to follow.

 ----Though errant and misguided people have forged various crooked byways beside it, they have failed to block it or obfuscate it. It is still there, well-known and well established, and anyone seeking the countenance of his Sustainer can follow it to attain his heart’s desire.

 ----Explaining the straight path, the Prophet, peace be upon him, once drew a straight line on the ground. Then he drew some crooked lines on either side of it, saying: “This (straight line) is the path of Allah, and these are the crooked alleyways, at the head of each of which stands a Satan calling people to it.”

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