Sunday 2 October 2011


---The verse under discussion also explains our duty towards Allah and Allah’s obligation, which He has prescribed for Himself, towards us.

---The duty of the human being towards his Sustainer is that he should worship Him and call upon none other than Him for guidance and help.

---Allah’s obligation toward His servant, as He has Himself informed us, is that He helps and blesses him. In the first part of the verse, the human being affirms his obligations toward Allah, and in the second half he prays for the rights that Allah has promised him. But the manner in which he supplicates for these rights is extremely deferential.

---Instead of making any reference to them as if they were his by right, he rather confines himself only to expressing his trust, need and craving. As a servant, this is the only proper course for the human being – to pray and to supplicate to his Sustainer, rather than demand of Him his rights.

---This is because Allah in His bounty and beneficence showers the human being with innumerable blessings and favours without his having any rightful claim to them, and then He declares that they belong to the human being by right.

 ---In a famous qudsi hadith concerning this surah, the Prophet, peace be upon him, is reported to have said that when a servant supplicates, “You alone we serve, and You alone we call upon for help”,

Allah says, “This portion is common between Me and My servant, and I give to My servant what he has asked of Me.”

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