Sunday 2 October 2011

Word din

The word din as used in the Qur’an has several meanings. It is used in the sense of:

Religion and law, as in the verse:

Do they desire a religion other than the one revealed by Allah. (3·83)

The law of the land, as in the verse:

He could not have taken his brother, according to the King’s law. (12·76)

Obedience and subservience, as in the verse:

To Him belongs all that is in heavens and earth; and to Him alone is obedience always due. (16·52)

Recompense or reward, as in the verse:
Surely that which you are warned against is true, and surely the (day of) recompense must come to pass. (51·5-6)

The term din in the sense of ‘recompense’ covers both its negative and positive aspects:

(i) a reward for good,


(ii) a punishment for evil and wickedness.
----The fact that Allah alone will be the Sovereign of the Day of Recompense means that He alone shall possess all power and control that day; all will be subservient to His will; none shall dare speak without His permission.

----He shall be the sole judge, deciding affairs, punishing the guilty, and rewarding the good and the righteous:

 ----“On that day all dominion shall belong to Allah and He will judge between them” (al-hajj, 22:56); “Whose will be the dominion that day? That of Allah, the One Who holds sway over all that exists’’ (Ghafir, 40:16).

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