Sunday 2 October 2011


You alone we worship and You alone we call upon for help.


---The word ‘ibadah in the Arabic lexicon primarily signifies an expression of extreme submissiveness and humility.

---The Qur’an, however, uses it exclusively to denote the submissiveness and humility that a person ought to show towards his or her Creator and Sustainer.

---A sense of obedience is also implied in the word ‘ibadah, since it would be a logical absurdity to refuse to obey in practice the One Whom we regard as most worthy of our adoration, servitude and humility. In some places, the Qur’an has clearly used the word ‘ibadah in this sense:

 ---“Surely We have revealed to you the Book with truth, so serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience - fa‘budi-llaha mukhlisa-l lahu-d din” (az-Zumar, 39:2).

The sense of obedience is so intertwined with ‘ibadah that at some places the Qur’an uses it exclusively in the sense of obedience, as in the verse:

 ‘that you obey not Satan, for surely he is your open enemy’ (36:60).

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