Maghdubi ‘alayhim-cover two sub-groups of people
The words maghdubi ‘alayhim cover two sub-groups of people.
The first includes those who were blessed by Allah with a revelation of His guidance to them, but in their insolence and transgression they not only rejected it, but actively sought to frustrate it. And when some sincere people among them tried to open their eyes and exhorted them to righteousness, they rejected and persecuted them and killed others without any just cause. They incurred Divine wrath and were destroyed.
The second sub-group mentioned here comprises those who responded to the message, but rather reluctantly. Consequently, they soon either lost a portion of the teachings given to them or distorted and changed them to suit their selfish interests and blindly followed their own lusts, desires or whims. They refused to listen to anyone who sincerely tried to restrain them and invited them to follow the right path. They rejected some outright and killed others unjustly.
Those Jews who strayed from a clear conception of monotheism and who digressed from the original Mosaic law are an obvious example of such people from among the earlier communities, and the Qur’an explicitly mentions them as incurring Divine wrath:
They were covered with humiliation and misery; they drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. (2·61)
THIRD GROUP[word dallin (those who have gone astray) ]
---The word dallin (those who have gone astray) used to describe the third group, refers to those people who committed excesses in their religion and ended up exalting their Prophet as a god. They were not content or happy with the worship prescribed and the commandments given them by Allah and His Messenger.
---They deliberately set out to forge a whole new order of monasticism according to their own mistaken beliefs, desires and whims. They followed blindly in the footsteps of their predecessors, embracing all their innovations and errors. They thus strayed far off the right path and became lost in deviant and crooked by-ways of thought and belief. Christians are a most obvious example of this group.
The Qur’an describes them as a people astray and leading others astray:
O followers of the Gospel! Do not overstep the bounds of truth in your religious beliefs; and do not follow the errant views of people who have gone astray aforetime, and have led many [others] astray, and are still straying from the right path. (5·77)
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